13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck – 12. Unlearn

Stop! It’s spilling out. No more tea will get into that cup!

These were the words uttered by the professor who had went to learn Zen Philosophy from Zen Master Nan-in. To which Nan-in replied, “The cup has limited capacity. You are like the cup. You are full of opinions, beliefs, prejudices and attitudes. How can I possibly show you Zen unless you are willing to empty your cup?

The author Ashwin Sanghi, here in the 12th Step of Good Luck, is explaining about Unlearning, and important traits of Lucky person in the book “13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck”. He states, ‘One needs to be willing to unlearn in order to learn.’ Most people believe, unlearning means letting of the knowledge and the things one has learned, which is false. Unlearning is about letting go the negative behavior patterns that create a bad attitude, as attitude is key factor for getting more opportunities. To illustrate this he shared examples of Job seeker, Investor and Musician with their past experiences are letting go the chance of acquiring more opportunities and calling it a bad luck.

Unlearning is simply the ability to rid oneself of preconditioning. Author shared the story of Subhash Chandra, owner of Zee network, how in the absence of preconditioning (no knowledge about media business) he could leverage to build the first and biggest media house Zee Network.

Being able to think outside the framework of one’s education and training seems to be key factor in attracting luck.

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